Ikebana sugar course 6days
TARIF: 1632 euros non assujetti à la TVA / 6 jours de formation +183 euros pour les frais de Restauration
This course is recommended for individuals coming for the first time. During this week of training, we will work on a theme that I have chosen. We will make four pieces out of sugar. This course focusses on a number of techniques. On each piece, we will create various structures, flowers and subjects out of sugar.
TARIF: 1632 euros non assujetti à la TVA / 6 jours de formation +183 euros pour les frais de Restauration
This course is recommended for individuals coming for the first time. During this week of training, we will work on a theme that I have chosen. We will make four pieces out of sugar. This course focusses on a number of techniques. On each piece, we will create various structures, flowers and subjects out of sugar.
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